With your input we can make Maths even better
If you have questions or requests regarding functionality or content, please contact us at

The questions in our library have been written by a team of highly-qualified Maths teachers with many years' experience of IB, GCSE, IGCSE and A level courses.
After choosing the relevant course, you can easily find specific topics and then select appropriate questions. Within each topic you will find a variety of question types covering a range of levels of difficulty.
You can choose to conduct your exams digitally or with paper-and-pen. is our examination platform for conducting digital and secure assessments. The platform has many useful tools for Math tests, like: is offering a 75-day free trial for the whole school, so you can conduct the exams created in Math digitally. Maths remains free for all teachers to use to access the Question Library, create tests and print out on paper or export them to pdf.
If you run an auto-marked test digitally you can see the students’ marks directly after they hand in, and then easily export them to Google Classroom, for example.
You can also email the students’ results to them individually with a single click!
Within the digital test environment it’s easy to extend the writing time for certain students as well as make more specific adjustments individually.
Our accessibility tools for students with reading and writing difficulties include, for example
All this (and more!) within a secure digital environment with in-built cheat prevention.
These ready-made tests contain questions based on prior learning topics and can be used as a diagnostic test at the start of the term. You can find them under My Tests ready for you, once you have signed in.
These tests are also designed to introduce your students to the different question types and the many functions and features of the digital test environment.
In addition, these sample tests show you the structure and layout of tests that have been made using our question library - you can even try out the auto-marked one yourself.
Example of a digital auto-marked test run in
Example of a pen-and-paper test to print out as a pdf
With your input we can make Maths even better
If you have questions or requests regarding functionality or content, please contact us at
Nic Cardwell and Andy Higgie are the main authors of the material in the question library. They have over 50 years' experience of teaching Maths and Science between them, both UK courses and the International Baccalaureate.
Nic has a BSc. in Mathematics from Imperial College, London and a PGCE in Secondary Mathematics Education from Cambridge University.
Andy has a BSc. in Physics from Exeter University and a PGCE in Secondary Science Education from Oxford University.
Both currently live and work in Sweden.
Erik Corell is the person behind the Maths concept. He started the idea on a small scale with his own students in a school in Stockholm, and the idea quickly took off.
The concept has been so successful in Sweden that it is now used by Maths teachers in over 90% of upper secondary schools in the country.
Erik has a Master of Science from Lund University and a PGCE from Karlstad University.
Although our technology has developed enormously since the first version in Sweden, one thing that hasn’t changed is our view of you, the teacher. For us, the teacher is central; we know that you are the expert on how best to teach your students. Instead of trying to change what you do, we focus on understanding the challenges you face and building relevant support.
Our work benefits from the fact that over half of our staff have a background in teaching.